Friday 10 April 2020

The co-founder who not a lot know about

     We all have heard of apple right. Not the one that fell on Newton's head, but the one for which you need to sell your kidney off!

      I read Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs this year, really amazing book, you won't find a better book on Apple's mercurial co-founder and ex-CEO Steve Jobs than this. And I came to know a lot about things other than Steve Jobs, like why the mac's design is so elegant, why does apple make both hardware and software, why apple is, as people say, overpriced ! If I start praising this book and the author, then I will need another article! 
     Today however, I would like to write about Apple's 3rd co-founder, Ronald Wayne. For people who didn't know this earlier and are a bit shocked, yeah I too was, when I came to know about this 2 years ago. And the people who have heard his name, have a high probability of knowing about him the same way I do, through an Instagram post like this. 

      So apple in its inception had 2 members, the Steves-Jobs and Wozniak (right to Ronald Wayne in this picture). On 1st April, 1976 Ronald Wayne wrote down the argument which included the roles of everyone at Apple. While Jobs and Wozniak owned 45% of Apple at that time, Wayne owned 10%. Sounds meagre ugg, well that 10% is worth more than 100 billion USD today! Wayne's job was that of a tie-braker at times of making decisions along with providing adult supervision and overseeing mechanical engineering and documentation. However just after 12 days, he sold his 10% ownership at 800 USD! Damn, you must be thinking what sort of an idiot would do that? Well I thought the same too, until I read this book. Most of my thoughts were because of Instagram posts which spoke only one side of the story. 

        So after I read this book, I realized Wayne's side of story. First of all, the apple, 45 years ago ain't same as the Apple today. I was like just any other startup in it's budding period. The Steves' were in their early 20s, enthusiastic, energetic while Wayne was in his 40s, the age where men are expected to be wise and responsible. While his fellow co-founders had nothing to lose, he had a house and a lot more. And that is why he quit Apple. He himself told that Jobs and Wozniak were so passionate that he just couldn't keep up. And what's more important is that he never lived a life with regret. He accepted being happy for the decisions he took. 

      While I first started writing this blog, I asked myself what point I was trying to make by writing a post on Ronald Wayne, and to be honest I still don't know of a better answer than "because not a lot of people know about him". One thing I learnt from him is never letting your past affect your future, and the other one being Instagram too is clickbaited! 

     Anyways do comment about the post ( any suggestion is welcomed). And I guess I will write an article ASAP on Steve Jobs. You guys can read Walter Isaacson's Jobs, it provides descriptive and accurate insights of the life of the greatest entrepreneur of all time. I will attach a link to buy the book at the bottom, and it's not a part of any affiliation program :P

                                                                      ~ Udaya


  1. Man you got that right.
    Its a pretty good stuff as well a research.
    And i must suggest u to watch the movie "JOBS"...

    1. Thanks. I will surely watch the movie 'Jobs'.

  2. Be rhetoric through your blog.
    Soon you will se a quantum jump.



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