Thursday 7 November 2019

A New Diary Part 2


            Ever wondered why time travel movies are fun ? Back to the future , Predestination , The Time machine, what makes them special What is that intriguing thing that makes the Prisoner of Azkaban , the most critically acclaimed movie of the Wizarding World franchise and why do you guys were crazy about endgame ! Well if you haven`t guessed it , yeah you have, it`s not Dora ,the Explorer ! In Makoto Shinkai`s movie your name ,there is a quote about time ; "They twist, tangle, sometimes unravel, break, and then connect again. Musubi - knotting. That's time." So the thing`s time , and may be with Anne and Barbro , they did connect .

            Well if I say my parents that I am the reincarnation of a famous historical character like say , John Lennon , then they will say that they are batman and supergirl ! And that`s what Barbro`s parents said, that it`s good to be imaginative and creative but that never foreseeks to exempt someone from the real world . Well infact , they indeed took her to a psychiatrist who told them that their daughter is fine and the world she`s talking about, it`s all made up . Much like the grandma tales kids say. But the doctor`s statement wasn`t enough to clarify the strange feeling Barbro was deailng with while growing up , to her it was like two lifes in one which pushed her to an introvert.

            At the age of seven, she started school. She was so pleased to realize that now she could read and write. She secretly started to write down her memories, but she always threw the papers away so that others would not be able to read them. One thing people would find strange is Barbro actually didn`t know that Anne Frank did exist ! And that turned down the possibilities of any dissociative identity disorder(DID) or any other disorder related to brain or psychiatry.She came to know , I would say with more transparency ,when she joined school. By that time she had published her first book Människan på jorden (Man on Earth) after a friend of her advised to do so.

           When she was 10, she went for a vacation to Europe and visited Amsterdam with her parents. Her parents who were as eager as you guys are now, to check the authenticity of Barbro`s hallucinations, decided to go to Ms Frank`s home. Barbro was reluctant to take a cab,and insisted to guide her parents walk to the abode she resided with 7 people,family and many other allies, THE SECRET ANNEXE.


             Barbro`s dream was coming out alive. The atmosphere carried a fragrance of nostalgia , as the door to Anne`s room turned upon its hinges. Barbro was terrified, the pictures of her family and the hollywood stars she stuck on the wall the very first day they came to hiding, were missing. She turned feint,and her parents futile. Barbro insisted on having the pictures, and it was only after reconfirmation that her parents believed that it was true,both the pictures and their daughter`s dreams.


          Barbro ,through her publisher, met Buddy Elias , Anne Frank`s cousin. The emotional reunion of Buddy and Barbro was filled with the colours of laughters,tears and memories. When the newspapers asked him, ‘Do you believe that Barbo is the reincarnation of Anne Frank’?He answered ‘Yes’.


         No matter , whether she was Anne`s reincarnation or not , Barbro who was a childhood literary sensation in her country was a victim of discrimination, personal vendettas, media assassination, libel, and attempted murder. She prompted the events that culminated in her struggle for survival in her book And the Wolves Howled .


                   Barbro`s life was full of sharp gradients and turns . And if asked personally , I would say that her claims and the proofs were promising, because, yeah , there`s no answer to everything. If you want to know more about Barbro , then do visit her website .
                        So if you liked my narration, then do comment and share . You can comment ideas for upcoming posts and can ping me on instagram . (edited on 10th february,2020)My next blog will be up soon ! I have been thinking all these days what to write about, I guess this time I exactly know what I want to.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

A New Diary Part 1


                What`s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word 'Diary'? Anne Frank  isn`t it?   Annelies Marie Frank, the most notable diarist of the 20th century, whose white and red checked hard bound diary that recited tales of the secret annex. I  remember reading the book when I was in grade 10, it was heartbreaking , something that really shook me hard, compelling me to rethink how dystopian world we line in is. Yet it didn`t lack the slightest on the funny bone note. It disrobed the sluggish condition of jews, and infact innocent people who didn`t even wish to be the part of a war . The quotes she added in some parts were icing on the cake just like the one below,

            She passed away early ,earlier than even most writers realized they like writing, a tender age of 15 was it. Sometimes I wonder what Anne would have written today if she were alive . How would have she reacted after seeing her very own diary being one of the best autobiographies ! I wondered just like John Keats ,the world of literature did infact lose another of its jewel at a really tender age.

But perhaps, it didn`t .

               This is Barbro Karlen , a swedish writer, poet to Människan på jorden , a book of poetry she published at a really early age that led to her recognition as a prodigy. She had published eleven books of poetry and prose by the time she was , think of a number . How about 16 ! Almost the same age Anne was when she passed away , but 25 years later. And she also wrote Människan på jorden when she was 12, remember on which birthday of Anne did she receive the diary !

          Ever since she was a small child she dreamed of another life. The fear would over come her and she would wake up shaking and frightened. She had the horrible dreams for as long as she could remember.
      The most startling thing began when she was about two years old. She told her mother and father that her name was not Barbro, it was in fact Anne !

     Strange isn`t it ? Yeah , I too was shell shocked when I came across this.


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